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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Power of Participatory Budgeting in Uganda

The Hon. Kabondo Tindamanyire, Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Uganda spoke about the citizen participation in public financial management. He described the legal framework including the budget act.

The media forms a critical link to keep the public up-to-date on the budget process. The mechanism for exchange between the Government and its citizens is reflected on how the people rate the performance of the Government when it comes to elections and this is an indicator of how Government Programmes have addressed peoples desires and aspirations.

Budget preparation is discussed in call-in radio programs in Uganda. There are numerous radio stations supporting local languages. The government promotes literacy and open dialog with citizens. Participation occurs at all levels of government. Citizens are encouraged to participate in budget discussions including discussing priorities. Uganda uses a Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), but are extending it to 5 years because of the success of the process to date and the impact of the financial crisis.

The Hon. Kabondo Tindamanyire discussed other challenges through the financial crisis. He believes that transparency and dialog builds confidence among the population. Governments should endeavour to provide clear information to citizens including the source of funds, liabilities and how the government intends to pay obligations. The government produces a "Budget at a Glance" document

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