Ms. Ross explained the importance of tying debt issuances to forecasts. This includes planning matching of service dates to cash forecasts. She described the type of debt vehicles like bonds and notes. She recommended that debt policies should include:
- Issuance Guidelines
- Allowable Investments for Proceeds
- Statements on Projects
- Refinancing
- Glossary of terms
- Follow the code of your state or country, then be conservative
- Be very specific in your investment policy on what can and cannot be used (examples on the next few pages)
- Investment policy needs to have oversight
- Constantly monitor information
- Monitor investment report daily
- Should be selected by a committee
- Should understand how the investment works
- Diversify the investment portfolio
- Objective – typically safety, liquidity, yield.
- Roles – who is responsible for investing the funds (ultimately)
- Investment Monitor
- Finance Board
- Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- Internal Controls
- Uses for Investment Proceeds
- Benchmarks
- Purchasing Investments – Mechanics
- Allowable Investments
- Report Components
- Glossary of terms
She recommended the following links for information on debt and investment policies:
Debt Policy Links - Links
- http://www.sykesville.net/minutes/DEBT_POLICY09.pdf
- http://www.arlingtonva.us/Departments/ManagementAndFinance/Bond/PFM%20Response%20to%20Debt.pdf
- http://www.co.hanover.va.us/finance/adopted-04/debt_policy.pdf
- http://www.loudoun.gov/controls/speerio/resources/RenderContent.aspx?data=dafd99cde3184aa2b29943686bf619d0&tabid=326
- http://www.loudoun.gov/
- http://www.arlingtonva.us/departments/Treasurer/files/file71534.pdf
- http://www.nctreasurer.com/dsthome/InvestmentMgmt/GovermentalOpsReports/asset+allocation+overview.htm
- http://www.nystar.state.ny.us/board/assets/sbtif.pdf
- http://www.treasurer.state.md.us/reports/Investment_Policy.pdf
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