ICGFM Promotes Knowledge Transfer Among Public Financial Management Experts

Working globally with governments, organizations, and individuals, the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management is dedicated to improving financial management by providing opportunities for professional development and information exchange.

Monday, June 15, 2009

PFM Conference Knowledge Base

by Doug Hadden, ICGFM VP Communications

You will find an updated PFM Knowledge Transfer series on the FreeBalance Sustainability Blog with notes, images and presentations from the 23rd Annual ICGFM Conference. This knowledge transfer series includes notes about:

  1. Introduction and References
  2. History of Public Financial Management Reforms
    current cycle of PFM reforms
    how the financial crisis is accelerating PFM reforms
  3. Benefits of IFMIS
    enabling government reform
    improve efficiency and controls
    improve conficence through transparency
    reduce costs
    improve budgets, planning and decision-making
  4. Acquisition Practices
    build or buy
  5. Implementation Practices and Project Management
    implementation practices lessons learned
    project management
    government ownership
    planning and benchmarks
    building the government team
    role of IT
  6. Implementation Sequencing
    implementation success factors
    issues and reasons for sequencing
    implementation and roll-out phases
    post implementation changes
    diagnostic tools
  7. Capacity Building
    coordinating training and implementation plans
    capacity development
    staffing and skills
  8. Subjects in PFM - Procurement, Budget Planning and Performance Management
    budget planning
    performance management
    public private partnerships (PPP)
  9. Transparency and Accountability
    need for transparency
    budget transparency
    forms of accountability
    service transformation
    elements of good governance and transparency
    international benchmarks - lessons learned

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