ICGFM Promotes Knowledge Transfer Among Public Financial Management Experts

Working globally with governments, organizations, and individuals, the International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management is dedicated to improving financial management by providing opportunities for professional development and information exchange.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Using Government Chart of Accounts for Tracking Aid Flows and Expenditures in the budget4

Tithokoze Samuel, Principal Budget Officer, Ministry of Finance, Malawi, describes the financial management systems in use at the ICGFM Winter Conference. She described the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMIS), use of Treasury Single Account (TSA) and expenditure management.

Ms. Samuel described the limitations of the IFMIS. Many transactions are not controlled by the IFMIS including domestic revenues, domestic debt, external loan, donor projects, payments at the council level. This information is uploaded from other information systems, although the data transfer tends to be a month late.

Ms. Samuel described the footprint of donor aid in Malawi. She described the use of the Aid Management Platform. The Government Chart of Accounts tracks donor support in the budget. However, she pointed out, donors have many different unique codes. She described the four Chart of Accounts segments and the donor codes. She pointed out that getting disbursement information from donors is delayed, yet the IFMIS is real-time. She described the difficulties matching information from the IFMIS and the AMP.

Ms. Samuel hopes that donors can be encouraged to use the IFMIS for disbursements in order to get real-time effective data. The Government COA demands a lot of detail that promotes transparency and accountability, she concluded. It is imperative that cooperating partners not using country expenditure system be encouraged to do so as this reduces time required to produce expenditure reports. She stated that it is possible to track all donor financed projects in the budget and the corresponding expenditures if country systems used.

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